With Clara and I's film introduction in particular, it is very important for us to make our opening look as realistic as possible. A huge factor that can contribute to this would be the setting of our film. As we have discussed previously, the concept of this opening would be a satire police interrogation. However, although we want it to be perceived as comical, we would also want it to be taken seriously as if it were real. Our ideal goal was to aim for something along the lines of a government distributed, public department building. Some inspiration we obtained would be from setting similar to Parks and Recreation and Brooklyn 99.
The picture on the left is from Brooklyn 99, taking place in their "interrogation room". We studied the layout and overall setup of the room. How it is very plain in color and generic in design. We also took into consideration the actual layout with the table and windows and how the room classically does fit that many people. The picture on the right is from Parks and Recreation, taken from one of the hallways at their city hall parks and recreation department. We studied the "government building" style of the hallways and how it resembles other generic public buildings such as city halls, schools, and libraries. With this information in mind, we began researching as to where we can film. We quickly realized it would be nice to get an establishing shot outside of a police department to really set the scene just in case it isn't obvious.
We will most likely drive by our local police station to shoot a quick establishing shot before we begin our actual production, I feel that this would add a really nice touch to the "real" factor of our film. When it comes to where we will shoot our hallway scene,
When it comes to where we will shoot our hallway scene, we have a few possible options that we are figuring out. Our first one would be shot at the City of Weston Community Center which is pictured on the left. This location definitely fits the aesthetic I was looking for. Other possible locations can include Broward College campus, and possibly even our own school. Now, for the interrogation room. It took us quite a long time to find out where we would be shooting. First, we thought it would be a good idea to film in our schools auditorium. With good lighting and props, we thought there would have been a chance that it would have worked out but we realized there had to be better options. After some research, we began looking into "study rooms" at our local library. These rooms in our library perfectly embody the vibe I would have wanted to give off for a "government funded, public department building". With just a little bit of moving around some furniture and fixing the lighting, the room that we found will be close to perfect in terms of what we would be able to work with.
The picture to the right, is one of the conference/study rooms within our public library that we are able to use simply upon signing up to use it. In my opinion, with what we were given, I believe that Clara and I did a great job with working with what we have and making the best of our options.
(Week 5: 3/7-3/13, post 1)
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