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Long Time No See

 Hello again!  I last updated this account as I submitted a portfolio project for one of my high school classes. I am now a freshman in college and it turns out that I love film so much, I decided to major in it. With that being said, I plan on taking many film oriented courses as I am taking two this semester so I figured it would be a good idea to document my future experiences and work throughout my college career.  Currently, I am taking FIL2030 and FIL2424 also known as History of Motion Pictures and Introduction to Film Production. I am in the very early stages of both of them so there isn't much to mention yet but I am beyond excited to broaden my knowledge in something that I love so dearly.  I hope that if anyone continues to read these throughout the semester and years to come, any information I share will be able to help them. Whether that means help with new understanding as I am being educated on new subject matter or simply help their love for the media...

Latest Posts

The Reid Technique!

Critical Critique Reflection

I'd Like To Thank The Academy...

CCR Creation

The Final Countdown

Like Music To My Ears!

A Bump In The Road

Post-Production Thoughts

Character Analysis
